The People Who Choose To Love Me

The People Who Choose To Love Me
This is my family. Watermark and all.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Carb Fueled Artist

The term, "Starving Artist," doesn't really apply to me (you know this if you have seen my previous posts such as If Obesity Is An Epidemic Then May Cold Hot Dogs For Breakfast Strike Me Dead). I prefer to think of myself as a "Carb Fueled Artist."

For those of you who don't know me in real life or via Facebook, I am posting this link to my art's Facebook page as a total and complete time waster for you and as filler for my blog for me. Although, I am really excited that I sold a painting this morning (and possibly a second if the gods decide to smile on me instead of smiting me today) and I like sharing things that come out of my brain with people. Possibly too much.

Here are a bunch of pictures of my paintings and a link to check out some other paintings, doodles, and sketches because it's Friday and no one wants to work on Friday, so why not kill a couple hours perusing interesting pictures? Ammirite?? And, have a great weekend, everyone!!

 I call this one, "Catch Of The Day." Litter bothers me. Greatly.

 I can't remember what I originally named this one, but believe me, it was witty. I think I'll go with, "Styrofoam, It's What's For Dinner."

My friend Chris at Freethinkers Anonymous
thinks it should be titled, "Going Vegan Is Hard," and I am kind of leaning toward his suggestion now.

 I got a little deep when naming this one.
"Head Painting."

And, this one is, "Who's There?" 
This one won a bunch of prizes at a tri-county fair so, um, yeah, I'm kind of a big deal.


  1. Why is your work not in museums? Or at least big galleries. These are all amazing but I especially love, love, love "Who's There?" It really scratches my Expressionist itch. You are so talented! And so skilled.
    Please provide an update when you sell a third painting so we can all laugh and say, "Take that van Gogh!"
    Okay, it's probably best not to provoke the guy, but he's enjoyed great posthumous success. I just hope your success is prehumous.
    And I'd title the pelican picture "Going Vegan Is Hard" but that's just me.

    1. I have sold out of galleries in the past but I haven't gotten a portfolio together to do anything special with them as of late. Thanks for the awesome words of encouragement!! I just finalized the sale of the second one and I am waiting impatiently to slap Van Gogh with his own ear when I sell a third. And, that is an AWESOME name for a painting and I am going to update the blog.... right... NOW.

  2. I'm crazy in love with your work (and you, of course), and I'm so happy I found your blog!

    1. Thank you, Amy!! If you'd like to contribute to my pasta addiction you can purchase any of my paintings!! If you are ever interested and have 50-100 dollars to throw away on art, my email address is or you can message me on the Art Amuk facebook page. :D

  3. Oh man, I'm sorry I was in a late Friday afternoon meeting (who schedules those??) when I could've been reading/viewing your blog post and FB page. You are super talented, Shawna! I'm definitely impressed!

    1. IS YOUR BOSS A SADIST??? Friday afternoon meetings??? Let me guess, your boss doesn't let you wear jeans on Friday, either?? Gah. I'd quit. And, thanks for the compliment!! :D
